Additional Abilities

ScreenPy Appium adds three additional abilities, which enable Actors to use Appium to use mobile devices.

One ability, UseAMobileDevice, is not an ability to give to an Actor. This ability is meant to make it easier for Actions and Questions to find whichever of the other two abilities an Actor has.


class UseAMobileDevice

A common base to make ability discovery easier.

This Ability should not be granted directly.

There are some Actions or Questions which can be performed/asked whether the Actor can UseAnIOSDevice or UseAnAndroidDevice, so it doesn’t matter which of them we use. In those cases, we can do this:




class UseAnAndroidDevice(driver: Remote)

Enable an Actor to use an Android device.

Because of how Appium connects to a hub with desired capabilities, you must set up your Android driver ahead of time to give to this ability.


classmethod using(driver: Remote) UseAnAndroidDevice

Supply the Appium driver, connected to an Android device.


class UseAnIOSDevice(driver: Remote)

Enable an Actor to use an iOS device.

Because of how Appium connects to a hub with desired capabilities, you must set up your Android driver ahead of time to give to this ability.


classmethod using(driver: Remote) UseAnIOSDevice

Supply the Appium driver, connected to an iOS device.