
Targets combine a human-readable string and a locator. Together, this provides us with readable logs and Appium with a directive on what element to interact with.

By default, ScreenPy Appium’s Target class attempts to guess between an XPATH locator or an Accessibility ID locator. If you’re using a different strategy, you will need to supply the appropriate AppiumBy value:

# assumed XPATH locator
USERNAME_FIELD = Target.the("username field").located_by("//android.widget.EditText")

# assumed Accessibility ID locator
HAMBURGER_MENU = Target.the("hamburger menu").located_by("Navigation Menu")

# specify which strategy to use
HOME_ADDRESS_ITEM = Target.the("home address item").located((AppiumBy.NAME, "Home Address"))

The value passed into the Target’s the() method will be used during Narration. The value passed in to the located_by() method will be used by Appium.

We can use these Targets with our Actions:



the_actor.should(See.the(Text.of_the(HOME_ADDRESS_ITEM), ReadsExactly("123 Home St.")))